path: root/src/nbc/options.sml
diff options
authorCalvin <calvin@EESI>2013-03-15 15:26:20 -0400
committerCalvin <calvin@EESI>2013-03-15 15:26:20 -0400
commitb632667ce57af89691407bb8668e1512775278ae (patch)
treeb5742cef185f1cc4a7ba6005b5b4116ce7558a01 /src/nbc/options.sml
parent39e39f82cc38d71018882b0aaaf58255858a7c56 (diff)
nbc added
Diffstat (limited to 'src/nbc/options.sml')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/nbc/options.sml b/src/nbc/options.sml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..907c95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nbc/options.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+signature OPTIONS = sig
+ val order: int
+ val input: string
+ val genomesDir: string
+ val genomes: string option
+ val genomeText: int * string -> string
+ val totalWords: string * int -> string
+ val missConstant: real
+ datatype output =
+ Matlab of {variable: string, file: string}
+ | Text of string
+ | Dual of {text: string, matlab: {variable: string, file: string}}
+ val output: string -> output
+ val arguments: string list
+structure Options :> OPTIONS = struct
+ fun |> (x, f) = f x
+ infix |>
+ datatype outformat = Otext | Omatlab | Odual
+ local
+ val order = ref 15
+ val fasta = ref NONE
+ val genomesDir = ref "/var/lib/genomes"
+ val genomes = ref NONE
+ val genomeText = ref "$genomes_dir/$genome/${order}perword.gz"
+ val totalWords = ref "$genomes_dir/$genome/${order}total"
+ val missConstant = ref (1.0 / 26067530.0 / 1000000.0)
+ val outFormat = ref Otext
+ val variable = ref "ps_g"
+ val outFile = ref "$input-$order-$genome.$extension"
+ fun withDefault (description, default) = concat (
+ description
+ :: " ("
+ :: (case default of
+ NONE => ["no default)"]
+ | SOME x => ["default: ", x, ")"])
+ )
+ val options = [
+ {
+ short = "r", long = ["order"]
+ , help = withDefault
+ ("Set the length of words used in matches", NONE)
+ , desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (
+ fn x => case Int.fromString x of
+ NONE => Fail.fail
+ "given order is not a valid integer"
+ | SOME y => order := y
+ , "integer"
+ )
+ }, {
+ short = "a", long = ["fasta-input"]
+ , help = "FASTA input file"
+ , desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => fasta := SOME x, "filename")
+ }, {
+ short = "j", long = ["genomes-dir"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Set the directory where genomes are stored"
+ , SOME (!genomesDir)
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => genomesDir := x, "directory")
+ }, {
+ short = "g", long = ["genome-list"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Read genomes from this file, one per line"
+ , !genomes
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => genomes := SOME x, "filename")
+ }, {
+ short = "w", long = ["genome-text"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Filename to read per-word counts from"
+ , SOME (!genomeText)
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => genomeText := x, "filename")
+ }, {
+ short = "t", long = ["total-words"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Filename to read total word counts from"
+ , SOME (!totalWords)
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => totalWords := x, "filename")
+ }, {
+ short = "k", long = ["miss-constant"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Set the constant used for scoring missing words"
+ , SOME (Real.toString (!missConstant))
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (
+ fn x => (case Real.fromString x of
+ SOME y => missConstant := y
+ | NONE => Fail.fail
+ "given miss constant is not a valid number"
+ ), "number"
+ )
+ }, {
+ short = "x", long = ["text"]
+ , help = "Select gzipped text output (default)"
+ , desc = GetOpt.NoArg (fn () => outFormat := Otext)
+ }, {
+ short = "m", long = ["matlab"]
+ , help = "Select Matlab binary output"
+ , desc = GetOpt.NoArg (fn () => outFormat := Omatlab)
+ }, {
+ short = "u", long = ["dual"]
+ , help = "Select both gzipped text and Matlab binary output"
+ , desc = GetOpt.NoArg (fn () => outFormat := Odual)
+ }, {
+ short = "v", long = ["variable"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Set Matlab output variable"
+ , SOME (!variable)
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => variable := x, "name")
+ }, {
+ short = "o", long = ["output-file"]
+ , help = withDefault (
+ "Set output filename(s)"
+ , SOME (!outFile)
+ ), desc = GetOpt.ReqArg (fn x => outFile := x, "filename")
+ }
+ ]
+ val optionsWithHelp = {
+ short = "h", long = ["help"]
+ , help = "Display help"
+ , desc = GetOpt.NoArg (fn () => (
+ print (
+ GetOpt.usageInfo {
+ header = "score <options>"
+ , options = options
+ } ^ "\n"
+ ); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success
+ ))
+ } :: options
+ in
+ val (_, arguments) = GetOpt.getOpt {
+ argOrder = GetOpt.Permute
+ , options = optionsWithHelp
+ , errFn = print
+ } (CommandLine.arguments ())
+ val order = !order
+ val input = case !fasta of
+ NONE => Fail.fail "No input file given"
+ | SOME x => x
+ val genomesDir = !genomesDir
+ val genomes = !genomes
+ val genomeText = fn (order, genome) => (
+ case
+ Misc.substitute [
+ ("genomes_dir", genomesDir)
+ , ("genome", genome)
+ , ("order", Int.toString order)
+ ] (!genomeText)
+ of
+ NONE => Fail.fail "bad per-word count filename syntax"
+ | SOME x => x
+ )
+ val totalWords = fn (genome, order) => (
+ case
+ Misc.substitute [
+ ("genomes_dir", genomesDir)
+ , ("genome", genome)
+ , ("order", Int.toString order)
+ ] (!totalWords)
+ of
+ NONE => Fail.fail "bad total word count filename syntax"
+ | SOME x => x
+ )
+ val missConstant = !missConstant
+ datatype output =
+ Matlab of {variable: string, file: string}
+ | Text of string
+ | Dual of {text: string, matlab: {variable: string, file: string}}
+ fun output genome =
+ let
+ val common = [
+ ("input", Misc.basenameWithoutExtension input)
+ , ("order", Int.toString order)
+ , ("genome", genome)
+ ]
+ fun textName () =
+ case Misc.substitute
+ (("extension", "txt.gz") :: common) (!outFile)
+ of
+ NONE => Fail.fail "bad text output filename syntax"
+ | SOME x => x
+ fun matlabName () =
+ case Misc.substitute
+ (("extension", "mat") :: common) (!outFile)
+ of
+ NONE => Fail.fail "bad Matlab output filename syntax"
+ | SOME x => x
+ in
+ case !outFormat of
+ Otext => Text (textName ())
+ | Omatlab => Matlab {
+ variable = !variable
+ , file = matlabName ()
+ } | Odual => Dual {
+ text = textName ()
+ , matlab = {
+ variable = !variable
+ , file = matlabName ()
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end