AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-04-13don't error check, that's up to the user, might actually be a featureHEADmasterCalvin Morrison
2014-04-13use MIT XCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11lock.sh: create new lock one old lock is goneCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11loop gifCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11use arch instead of tuneCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11fix line endings, add a try_mkdir functionCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11Merge branch 'master' of github.com:FRIGN/lockCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11fuck thatCalvin Morrison
2014-04-11Merge pull request #1 from mar77i/masterCalvin Morrison
Obvious fixes.
2014-04-11Fixing the obvious stuff by mar77i and fixing the obvious stuff he forgot.FRIGN
2014-04-11lock.c: Truls Beckens was right #2mar77i
also, what the hell? Fixed the obvious stuff and returned atomicity to the locking - no, access() isn't safe when you want that.
2014-04-11lock.sh: Truls Beckens was right #1mar77i
2014-04-10fuck errnoCalvin Morrison
2014-04-10Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mutantturkey/lockCalvin Morrison
2014-04-103 clause licenseCalvin Morrison
2014-04-10c version of lockCalvin Morrison
2014-04-09Update README.markdownCalvin Morrison
2014-04-09fixCalvin Morrison
2014-04-09add gifCalvin Morrison
2014-04-08add double quotes to prevent globbingCalvin Morrison
2014-04-08add messages, use directory instead of folder, check for regular fileCalvin Morrison
2014-04-07argv checkCalvin Morrison
2014-04-07add READMECalvin Morrison
2014-04-07lock, a simple lock utilityCalvin Morrison