path: root/select_mers.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'select_mers.py')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/select_mers.py b/select_mers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dea7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/select_mers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+import sys
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot
+import os
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from subprocess import *
+import numpy as np
+import pdb
+fg_mers = {}
+bg_mers = {}
+# empty class to fill up mer information with
+class Mer:
+ pass
+class Score:
+ pass
+# import our variables
+min_mer_range = int(os.getenv("min_mer_range"));
+max_mer_range = int(os.getenv("max_mer_range"));
+min_mer_count = int(os.getenv("min_mer_count"));
+max_select = int(os.getenv("max_select"));
+def populate_locations(input_fn, mers, selected):
+ mer_str = ' '.join(selected)
+ cmd = './strstream ' + mer_str + " < " + input_fn
+ strstream = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
+ for line in strstream.stdout:
+ (index, pos) = line.split(' ')
+ mers[selected[int(index)]].pts.append(int(pos))
+ return None
+def select_mers(selected):
+ from itertools import combinations
+ scores = []
+ p = Pool()
+ for select_n in range(1, max_select):
+ print "scoring size ", select_n
+ scores_it = []
+ scores_it = p.map(score, combinations(selected, select_n))
+ scores = scores + scores_it
+ p.close()
+ scores = sorted(scores, key=lambda score: score.score)
+ return scores
+def score(combination):
+ # print "scoring", combination
+ fg_pts_arr = []
+ fg_dist_arr = []
+ bg_pts_arr = []
+ bg_dist_arr = []
+ for mer in combination:
+ fg_pts_arr = fg_pts_arr + fg_mers[mer].pts
+ bg_pts_arr = bg_pts_arr + bg_mers[mer].pts
+ fg_pts_arr.sort()
+ bg_pts_arr.sort()
+ # remove any exact duplicates
+ fg_pts_arr = list(set(fg_pts_arr))
+ bg_pts_arr = list(set(bg_pts_arr))
+ # distances
+ for i in range(1, len(fg_pts_arr)):
+ fg_dist_arr.append(abs(fg_pts_arr[i-1] - fg_pts_arr[i]));
+ for i in range(1, len(bg_pts_arr)):
+ bg_dist_arr.append(abs(bg_pts_arr[i-1] - bg_pts_arr[i]));
+ fg_dist_arr = np.array(fg_dist_arr)
+ bg_dist_arr = np.array(bg_dist_arr)
+ nb_primers = len(combination)
+ fg_mean_dist = np.mean(fg_dist_arr)
+ fg_variance_dist = np.var(fg_dist_arr)
+ bg_mean_dist = np.mean(bg_dist_arr)
+ bg_variance_dist = np.var(bg_dist_arr)
+ # this is our equation
+ score = Score()
+ score.mers = combination
+ score.score = (nb_primers * (fg_mean_dist * fg_variance_dist)) / (bg_mean_dist * bg_variance_dist)
+ # score.bg_dist_arr = bg_dist_arr
+ # score.fg_dist_arr = fg_dist_arr
+ return score
+def most_frequent(mers, select_nb):
+ print "selecting the top ", select_nb, " mers"
+ selected = []
+ for mer in mers.keys():
+ selected.append([mer, mers[mer].count])
+ selected = sorted(selected, key=lambda mer: mer[1])
+ selected = selected[-select_nb:]
+ selected = list(row[0] for row in selected)
+ return selected
+def main():
+ fg_count_fn = sys.argv[1]
+ fg_fasta_fn = sys.argv[2]
+ bg_count_fn = sys.argv[3]
+ bg_fasta_fn = sys.argv[4]
+ fg_count_fh = open(fg_count_fn, "r")
+ bg_count_fh = open(bg_count_fn, "r")
+ # get our genome length
+ fg_genome_length = os.path.getsize(fg_fasta_fn)
+ bg_genome_length = os.path.getsize(bg_fasta_fn)
+ # copy in our fg_mers and counts
+ for mers,fh in [(fg_mers, fg_count_fh), (bg_mers, bg_count_fh)]:
+ for line in fh:
+ (mer, count) = line.split()
+ count = int(count)
+ mers[mer] = Mer()
+ mers[mer].count = count
+ mers[mer].pts = []
+ # if min_mer_count is less than one, then we are looking at a bottom cutoff threshold
+ if(min_mer_count < 1 and min_mer_count > 0):
+ pass
+ # counts = []
+ # for mer in fg_mers.keys():
+ # counts.append(fg_mers[mer]['count'])
+ #
+ # counts = counts.sort()
+ #
+ # count_set = set(counts):
+ # len(count_set)
+ # count_set(
+ # if it is 1 or great then use it as a numerical cutoff
+ print "removing mers that don't meet our minimum count"
+ if min_mer_count >= 1:
+ for mer in fg_mers.keys():
+ if(fg_mers[mer].count < min_mer_count):
+ del fg_mers[mer]
+ if mer in bg_mers:
+ del bg_mers[mer]
+ print "removing useless mers from the background"
+ for mer in bg_mers.keys():
+ if mer not in fg_mers:
+ del bg_mers[mer]
+ print "adding empty mers to the background"
+ for mer in fg_mers:
+ if mer not in bg_mers:
+ bg_mers[mer] = Mer()
+ bg_mers[mer].count = 2
+ bg_mers[mer].pts = [0, bg_genome_length]
+ exhaustive = True
+ if exhaustive:
+ selected = fg_mers.keys()
+ if not exhaustive:
+ selected = most_frequent(fg_mers, max_select)
+ print "selected the top ", max_select, " mers"
+ print "selected:", ", ".join(selected)
+ print "Populating foreground locations"
+ populate_locations(fg_fasta_fn, fg_mers, selected)
+ print "Populating background locations"
+ populate_locations(bg_fasta_fn, bg_mers, selected)
+ scores = select_mers(selected)
+ print "fg_genome_length", fg_genome_length
+ print "bg_genome_length", bg_genome_length
+ for score in scores:
+ sys.stdout.write(str(score.score) + "\t")
+ sys.stdout.write(", ".join(list(score.mers)) + "\t")
+ # sys.stdout.write("\t".join(score.dist_arr));
+ sys.stdout.write("\n");
+ #matplotlib.pyplot.hist(score.fg_dist_arr)
+ #matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('graph/' + str(x) + ".png")
+ #matplotlib.pyplot.clf()
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())