diff options
authorCalvin Morrison <mutantturkey@gmail.com>2014-03-27 18:33:07 -0400
committerCalvin Morrison <mutantturkey@gmail.com>2014-03-27 18:33:07 -0400
commitf746bbb1b2c3e4177f574f9329d9e6242464ca4d (patch)
parent6138139143c881fa4b6536d6b231db4cb0ff0217 (diff)
add ability to ignore all mers from a file
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/SelectiveGenomeAmplification b/SelectiveGenomeAmplification
index 85a166f..dfe6715 100755
--- a/SelectiveGenomeAmplification
+++ b/SelectiveGenomeAmplification
@@ -1,5 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# arguments:
+# check_mers filename
+check_mers() {
+ local fasta_file="$1"
+ local counts="$2"
+ local mer=0
+ echo " counting mers in $fasta_file"
+ # remove the counts file so we can concatenate
+ if [[ -e "$counts"-counts ]]; then
+ echo " removing $counts-counts"
+ rm "$counts"-counts
+ fi
+ # check each mer size and process if not already run
+ for (( mer = min_mer_range; mer <= max_mer_range; mer++)) ; do
+ if [[ ! -e "$counts"-counts-"$mer" ]]; then
+ echo " checking $mer mers for $fasta_file"
+ kmer_continuous_count -c -i "$fasta_file" -k "$mer" -l -n > "$counts"-counts-"$mer" || exit 1
+ else
+ echo " $mer-mers already done for $fasta_file (assuming no change)"
+ fi
+ # concatentate
+ cat "$counts"-counts-"$mer" >> "$counts"-counts
+ done
# Parse in our arguments
@@ -91,6 +123,9 @@ done
# mers to specifically IGNORE, space delimited
: ${ignore_mers=''}
+# IGNORE all mers that are in these files, space delimited
+: ${ignore_all_mers_from_files}
# maximum number of mers that are consecutively binding
: ${max_consecutive_binding=4}
@@ -187,32 +222,8 @@ if [[ -n "$step_mers" ]] || [[ -n "$all" ]]; then
# to continue this project you need to use the current run.
echo "Step 1: counting primers in foreground and background"
- for fasta_file in "$foreground" "$background"; do
- counts="$counts_directory"/$(basename "$fasta_file")
- echo "counting mers in $fasta_file"
- # check each mer size and process if not already run
- for (( mer = min_mer_range; mer <= max_mer_range; mer++)) ; do
- if [[ ! -e "$counts"-counts-"$mer" ]]; then
- echo "checking $mer mers for $fasta_file (assuming $fasta_file didn't change)"
- kmer_continuous_count -c -i "$fasta_file" -k "$mer" -l -n > "$counts"-counts-"$mer" || exit 1
- else
- echo "$mer mers already done for $fasta_file"
- fi
- # remove the counts file so we can concatenate
- if [[ -e "$counts"-counts ]]; then
- rm "$counts"-counts
- fi
- # concatentate
- cat "$counts"-counts-"$mer" >> "$counts"-counts
- done
- done
+ check_mers $foreground "$counts_directory"/$(basename "$foreground")
+ check_mers $background "$counts_directory"/$(basename "$background")
if [[ -n "$step_filters" ]] || [[ -n "$all" ]]; then
@@ -222,22 +233,43 @@ if [[ -n "$step_filters" ]] || [[ -n "$all" ]]; then
echo "Step 2: Filtering mer combinations based on parameters"
# remove ignored mers
if [[ "$ignore_mers" ]]; then
- echo "removing ignored mers: " + "$ignore_mers"
+ echo " removing ignored mers: " + "$ignore_mers"
for mer in $ignore_mers; do
sed -i '/^'"$mer"'\t/d' "$fg_counts"
- sed -i '/^'"$mer"'\t/d' "$bg_counts"
- echo "checking if mers appear at least as often in the fg as the average binding site or more $min_foreground_binding_average"
+ # remove ignored mers
+ if [[ "$ignore_all_mers_from_files" ]]; then
+ for ignore_file in $ignore_all_mers_from_files; do
+ if [[ -f "$ignore_file" ]]; then
+ echo " Removing ignored mers from: $ignore_file"
+ counts="$counts_directory/ignore-"$(basename "$ignore_file")
+ check_mers "$ignore_file" "$counts"
+ while read mer_line; do
+ mer=$(echo "$mer_line" | sed -e 's/\t.*//g')
+ sed -i '/^'"$mer"'\t/d' "$fg_counts"
+ done < $counts-counts
+ else
+ echo " $ignore_file not found, continuing..."
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ echo " checking if mers appear at least as often in the fg as the average binding site or more $min_foreground_binding_average"
filter_average_binding.py "$foreground" "$min_foreground_binding_average" < "$fg_counts" > "$average_binding" || exit 1
- echo "checking if mers are within the melting range $min_melting_temp $max_melting_temp"
+ echo " checking if mers are within the melting range $min_melting_temp $max_melting_temp"
filter_melting_temperature.py "$min_melting_temp" "$max_melting_temp" < "$average_binding" > "$non_melting" || exit 1
- echo "filtering out elements that have more consecutive binding mers than allowed by \$max_consecutive_binding $max_consecutive_binding"
+ echo " filtering out elements that have more consecutive binding mers than allowed by \$max_consecutive_binding $max_consecutive_binding"
filter_max_consecutive_binding.py "$max_consecutive_binding" < "$non_melting" > "$consecutive_binding" || exit 1