diff options
authorCalvin Morrison <mutantturkey@gmail.com>2014-03-28 00:06:11 -0400
committerCalvin Morrison <mutantturkey@gmail.com>2014-03-28 00:06:11 -0400
commitcb87a369533d7619ef8c7ce292cc20546f1ae208 (patch)
parente7b5672871b301dbcd3ced662a858f48fbc4c267 (diff)
add docs
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1cfbda3..32f93db 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -144,29 +144,44 @@ environmental variable if you wish to do so.
The scoring function is this:
fg_pts = all the points of each mer in the combination, and sequence ends4
- fg_mean_dist = mean distance between each point in fg_pts
- fg_stddev = standard deviation of distance between each point in fg_pts
+ fg_mean_dist = mean distance between each point in fg_pts
+ fg_stddev = standard deviation of distance between each point in fg_pts
- nb_primers = number of primers in a combination
- primer_weight = extra weight for sets with higher primers
+ nb_primers = number of primers in a combination
+ primer_weight = extra weight for sets with higher primers
- bg_ratio = length of background / number of times primer was in background
+ bg_ratio = length of background / number of times primer was in background
mer_score = (nb_primers**primer_weight) * (fg_mean_dist * fg_std_dist) / bg_ratio
## Output
The file structure outputted by default is this:
- $foreground_$background/
- └── run_1 # current_run
-    ├── filter # filter folder for filtering steps
-    │   ├── 1-$foreground-ignore-mers
-    │   ├── 2-$foreground-ignore-all-mers
-    │   ├── 3-$foreground-average-binding
-    │   ├── 4-$foreground-non-melting
-    │   └── 5-$foreground-consecutive-binding
-    ├── $foreground-filtered-counts # final filtered mers used for selected_mers.py
-    ├── parameters # parameters used in the run
-    ├── selected-mers # final filtered mers used for selected_mers.py
-    └── scores-output # file outputted by score_mers.py
+ $foreground_$background
+ └── run_1 # current_run
+    ├── filter # filter folder for filtering steps
+    │   ├── 1-$foreground-ignore-mers
+    │   ├── 2-$foreground-ignore-all-mers
+    │   ├── 3-$foreground-average-binding
+    │   ├── 4-$foreground-non-melting
+    │   └── 5-$foreground-consecutive-binding
+    ├── $foreground-filtered-counts # final filtered mers used for select_mers.py
+    ├── parameters # parameters used in the run
+    ├── selected-mers # final filtered mers used for select_mers.py
+    └── scores-output # file outputted by score_mers.py
+### select\_mers.py output
+Select mers outputs a tab delimited file, with 4 columns: mer foreground count
+background count and the mer selectivity we give it. (higher is better)
+ CTAACTTAGGTC 1572 155 10.14194
+ CTAACATAGGTC 1479 132 11.20455
+ GACCTATGTTAG 1479 132 11.20455
+### score\_mers.py output
+score medrs outputs a tab delmited file with 6 columns:
+ nb_primers Combination Score FG_mean_dist FG_stdev_dist BG_ratio