CoinTracker.gitPull down exchange rates for coins and present them on a page. 20 months
FlyTracking.gita research project I did at Drexel, using video footage to score fly learing behaviours 3 years
PyFeast.gitFeature selection implemented in python. This is really a gregory ditzler project 3 years
SelectiveWholeGenomeAmplification.gitParameterized sweeps of FASTA files to help locate useful primers. Work done for Penn bio research guys 3 years
cardone-rack-and-pinion.gitscrape Cardone's rack and pinion catalogue with Selenium / Chrome WebDriver 13 months
dna-utils.gitTools for parsing FASTA files very fast 3 years
fsbm.gita small console bandwidth monitor. like cbm without ncurses. 11 months serene version of the card game Golf 3 years
gstopwatch.gitquickie stopwatch for GTK2 3 years
hexscraper.gitVisualize a CSS color Palette. Dump a css file in here and get a quick visual. 21 months
hotkey.gitGeneric x11 global hotkey program. Useful if you dont have a proper window manager 9 months
i3-rename-workspace.gitrename i3 workspaces on the fly. 21 months
image-histo-api.gitreturn top colors from an image 11 months
killssh.gitEasy dropdown to kill control files for ssh 14 months
libmoc.gita library to abstract the socket protocol for the moc server. Plus some demos 14 months
lock.gitlock(1). a generic linux lockfile 3 years
magic-renamer.gitadd extensions to files in bulk via Lib::Magic 19 months
mysql-migrate.gitstandalone toy SQL migrator for single source sql files in PHP. May become useful 9 months
nnls_solver.gitinject two matricies, solve it with nnls 3 years
pc.gitA little curses pipe chaining toy for building multiple regexes in real time. 3 years
quikr.gitQuikr - a bio classifier based on NNLS 3 years
random_fasta_tools.gitmore dna parsing tools, all about FASTA 3 years
rc.gitsome rc files 3 years
sass.gitquickly compile sass to css 3 years
sb.gita little webkit browser that never did anything well 3 years
sdohd.gita shitty DNS-over-HTTPS daemon.
shttpd.gita very small httpd useful to throw up something in a pinch 3 years
svte.gitsvte - VTE based terminal emulator, fully fledges, configurable, tabbed, all that jazz 3 years
throw_window.gitthrow a x11 window into focus. 8 months
today.git how I deal with files in my unix shell, "today" 13 months
totp-perl.gitgenerate TOTP codes for your perl or for whatever 3 years
utf8-x11-insert.gitquickly insert utf8 commands via a dmenu lookup, for those with bad memory and a penchant for →'s. 4 weeks
wordle-solver.githomegrown wordle solver, NYTimes hire me LOL 2 years
xpdf-no-select-disable.gitremove xpdf feature that disallows selection of text for 'security' 12 months