path: root/src/matlab
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-06-12fix missing commaCalvin
2013-06-12Matlab: move multifasta2otu into the main quikr folderCalvin Morrison
2013-06-11finally push this patch to fix the lack of an endCalvin
2013-06-07quikrCustomTranied was not using the specified kmer. Use the correct kmer and...Calvin Morrison
2013-05-28modified quikrTrain.m to not depend on a mer file, instead use the generate_k...Calvin
2013-05-16used newlines in readme for clarity, update our references to the ../../../data/Calvin
2013-05-14have matlab use global executablesCalvin
2013-05-03updated documentation , added multi_gg_final.mCalvin
2013-05-03added a contributorCalvin
2013-03-11adding matlab codeCalvin