path: root/src/nbc/gzip.sml
diff options
authorCalvin <calvin@EESI>2013-05-28 10:47:11 -0400
committerCalvin <calvin@EESI>2013-05-28 10:47:11 -0400
commitdd38d0d1dda2be42bf280aeca110542f2f2fef1b (patch)
treec921dc0690e29f1b7b913aaa72b9c12539faa5a1 /src/nbc/gzip.sml
parent2f33e34ae06b96c3f3e4456ce960172903f60bfb (diff)
removed files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/nbc/gzip.sml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/nbc/gzip.sml b/src/nbc/gzip.sml
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6e5ff..0000000
--- a/src/nbc/gzip.sml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-signature GZIP = sig
- exception Failure
- val openIn: string -> TextIO.instream
- val openOut: string -> TextIO.outstream
-structure Gzip :> GZIP = struct
- structure Primitive :> sig
- eqtype gzFile
- val null: gzFile
- val gzopen: string * string -> gzFile
- val gzread: gzFile * CharArray.array * word * word -> int
- val gzwritea: gzFile * CharArray.array * word * word -> int
- val gzwritev: gzFile * CharVector.vector * word * word -> int
- val gzclose: gzFile -> int
- end = struct
- type gzFile = MLton.Pointer.t
- val null = MLton.Pointer.null
- val gzopen = _import "gzopen": string * string -> gzFile;
- val gzread = _import "gzreadoffset":
- gzFile * CharArray.array * word * word -> int;
- val gzwritea = _import "gzwriteoffset":
- gzFile * CharArray.array * word * word -> int;
- val gzwritev = _import "gzwriteoffset":
- gzFile * CharVector.vector * word * word -> int;
- val gzclose = _import "gzclose": gzFile -> int;
- end
- exception Failure
- fun readArraySlice (g, slice) =
- let
- val (array, offset, length) = CharArraySlice.base slice
- val wordoffset = Word.fromInt offset
- val wordlength = Word.fromInt length
- in
- Primitive.gzread (g, array, wordoffset, wordlength)
- end
- fun readerFromPrimitive (name, g) =
- let
- val closed = ref false
- fun error x = raise IO.Io {
- name = name
- , function = "readArr"
- , cause = x
- }
- fun readArr slice =
- if !closed then error IO.ClosedStream
- else let
- val r = readArraySlice (g, slice)
- in
- if r < 0 then error Failure
- else r
- end
- fun close () =
- if !closed then ()
- else (
- closed := true
- ; ignore (Primitive.gzclose g)
- )
- in
- TextPrimIO.augmentReader (TextPrimIO.RD {
- name = name
- , chunkSize = 32 * 1024
- , readVec = NONE
- , readArr = SOME readArr
- , readVecNB = NONE
- , readArrNB = NONE
- , block = NONE
- , canInput = NONE
- , avail = fn () => NONE
- , getPos = NONE
- , setPos = NONE
- , endPos = NONE
- , verifyPos = NONE
- , close = close
- , ioDesc = NONE
- })
- end
- fun readerFromName name =
- let
- val path = name ^ "\000"
- val g = Primitive.gzopen (path, "r\000")
- in
- if g = Primitive.null then NONE
- else SOME (readerFromPrimitive (name, g))
- end
- fun openIn name =
- case readerFromName name of
- SOME x => TextIO.mkInstream (TextIO.StreamIO.mkInstream (x, ""))
- | NONE => raise IO.Io {
- name = name
- , function = "openIn"
- , cause = Failure
- }
- fun writeSlice (base, write) (g, slice) =
- let
- val (vector, offset, length) = base slice
- val wordoffset = Word.fromInt offset
- val wordlength = Word.fromInt length
- in
- write (g, vector, wordoffset, wordlength)
- end
- val writeVectorSlice = writeSlice (CharVectorSlice.base, Primitive.gzwritev)
- val writeArraySlice = writeSlice (CharArraySlice.base, Primitive.gzwritea)
- fun writerFromPrimitive (name, g) =
- let
- val closed = ref false
- fun error (function, x) = raise IO.Io {
- name = name
- , function = function
- , cause = x
- }
- fun close () =
- if !closed then ()
- else (
- closed := true
- ; ignore (Primitive.gzclose g)
- )
- fun write (name, realWrite) slice =
- if !closed then error (name, IO.ClosedStream)
- else let
- val r = realWrite (g, slice)
- in
- if r <= 0 then error (name, Failure)
- else r
- end
- val writeVec = write ("writeVec", writeVectorSlice)
- val writeArr = write ("writeArr", writeArraySlice)
- in
- TextPrimIO.augmentWriter (TextPrimIO.WR {
- name = name
- , chunkSize = 32 * 1024
- , writeVec = SOME writeVec
- , writeArr = SOME writeArr
- , writeVecNB = NONE
- , writeArrNB = NONE
- , block = NONE
- , canOutput = NONE
- , getPos = NONE
- , setPos = NONE
- , endPos = NONE
- , verifyPos = NONE
- , close = close
- , ioDesc = NONE
- })
- end
- fun writerFromName name =
- let
- val path = name ^ "\000"
- val g = Primitive.gzopen (path, "w9")
- in
- if g = Primitive.null then NONE
- else SOME (writerFromPrimitive (name, g))
- end
- fun openOut name =
- case writerFromName name of
- SOME x => TextIO.mkOutstream (TextIO.StreamIO.mkOutstream (x, IO.NO_BUF))
- | NONE => raise IO.Io {
- name = name
- , function = "openOut"
- , cause = Failure
- }