path: root/src/matlab/fastaread.m
diff options
authorCalvin <calvin@EESI>2013-03-11 12:36:42 -0400
committerCalvin <calvin@EESI>2013-03-11 12:36:42 -0400
commit4ca6f92ceb4b2f8c504431cf56f8a6135187a61c (patch)
treebda30f1f0710d19660c04c57f31be37cf4865c50 /src/matlab/fastaread.m
parentc18793c210ea44cef63db3568791cbad537bdb79 (diff)
adding matlab code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/matlab/fastaread.m')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/matlab/fastaread.m b/src/matlab/fastaread.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d9b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matlab/fastaread.m
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+function [data, seq] = fastaread(filename,varargin)
+%FASTAREAD reads FASTA format file.
+% S = FASTAREAD(FILENAME) reads a FASTA format file FILENAME, returning
+% the data in the file as a structure. FILENAME can also be a URL or
+% MATLAB character array that contains the text of a FASTA format file.
+% S.Header is the header information. S.Sequence is the sequence stored
+% as a string of characters.
+% [HEADER, SEQ] = FASTAREAD(FILENAME) reads the file into separate
+% variables HEADER and SEQ. If the file contains more than one sequence,
+% then HEADER and SEQ are cell arrays of header and sequence information.
+% FASTAREAD(...,'IGNOREGAPS',TF) removes any gap symbol ('-' or '.')
+% from the sequence(s) when TF is true. Default is false.
+% FASTAREAD(...,'BLOCKREAD', M) allows you to read in a single entry or
+% block of entries from a file containing multiple sequences. If M is a
+% scalar then the M'th entry in the file is read. If M is a two element
+% vector then the block of entries starting at entry M(1) and ending at
+% entry M(2) will be read. Use Inf for M(2) to read all entries in the
+% file starting at position M(1).
+% FASTAREAD(...,'TRIMHEADERS',TF) trims the header after the first
+% whitespace when TF is true. White space characters include a horizontal
+% tab (char(9)) and a space (char(32)). Default is false.
+% FASTA format specified here:
+% Examples:
+% % Read the sequence for the human p53 tumor gene.
+% p53nt = fastaread('p53nt.txt')
+% % Read the sequence for the human p53 tumor protein.
+% p53aa = fastaread('p53aa.txt')
+% % Read a block of entries from a file
+% pf2_5_10 = fastaread('pf00002.fa','blockread',[ 5 10], ...
+% 'ignoregaps',true)
+% % Read the human mitochondrion genome in FASTA format.
+% entrezSite = ''
+% textOptions = '&txt=on&view=fasta'
+% genbankID = '&list_uids=NC_012920'
+% mitochondrion = fastaread([entrezSite textOptions genbankID])
+% Copyright 2002-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
+% $Revision: $ $Date: 2010/06/26 04:54:38 $
+% check input is char
+% in a future version we may accept also cells
+if ~ischar(filename)
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:InvalidInput','Input must be a character array')
+% default
+ignoreGaps = false;
+trimh = false;
+blockRead = false;
+% get input arguments
+if nargin > 1
+ if rem(nargin,2) ~= 1
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:IncorrectNumberOfArguments',...
+ 'Incorrect number of arguments to %s.',mfilename);
+ end
+ okargs = {'ignoregaps','blockread','trimheaders'};
+ for j=1:2:nargin-1
+ pname = varargin{j};
+ pval = varargin{j+1};
+ k = find(strncmpi(pname,okargs,numel(pname)));
+ if isempty(k)
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:UnknownParameterName',...
+ 'Unknown parameter name: %s.',pname);
+ %elseif length(k)>1
+ % error('Bioinfo:fastaread:AmbiguousParameterName',...
+ % 'Ambiguous parameter name: %s.',pname);
+ else
+ switch(k)
+ case 1 % ignore gaps
+ ignoreGaps = opttf(pval);
+ if isempty(ignoreGaps)
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:IgnoreGapsNotLogical',...
+ '%s must be a logical value, true or false.',...
+ upper(char(okargs(k))));
+ end
+ case 2 % range
+ range = pval;
+ if ~isnumeric(range) || numel(range)> 2 || isempty(range)
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:BadBlockRange',...
+ 'BlockRange must be numeric scalar or vector with two values.')
+ end
+ blockRead = true;
+ range = sort(range);
+ case 3 % trimheaders
+ trimh = opttf(pval, okargs{k}, mfilename);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if size(filename,1)>1 % is padded string
+ if blockRead
+ warning('Bioinfo:fastaread:IgnoredRange',...
+ 'BLOCKREAD is only allowed when parsing a file.')
+ end
+ ftext = cell(size(filename,1),1);
+ for i=1:size(filename,1)
+ ftext(i,1)=strtrim(strread(filename(i,:),'%s','whitespace','','delimiter','\n'));
+ end
+ % try then if it is an url
+elseif (strfind(filename(1:min(10,end)), '://'))
+ if blockRead
+ warning('Bioinfo:fastaread:IgnoredRange',...
+ 'BLOCKREAD is only allowed when parsing a file.')
+ end
+ if (~usejava('jvm'))
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:NoJava',...
+ 'Reading from a URL requires Java.')
+ end
+ try
+ ftext = urlread(filename);
+ catch allExceptions
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:CannotReadURL',...
+ 'Cannot read URL "%s".', filename);
+ end
+ ftext = strread(ftext,'%s','delimiter','\n');
+ % try then if it is a valid filename
+elseif (exist(filename,'file') || exist(fullfile(pwd,filename),'file'))
+ if blockRead
+ blockText = getfileblock(filename,range,'>');
+ try
+ ftext = strread(blockText,'%s','delimiter','\n');
+ catch theErr
+ if strcmpi(theErr.identifier,'MATLAB:nomem')
+ error( 'Bioinfo:fastaread:BlockTooBig',...
+ 'The block is too large to fit in memory. Try a smaller range.');
+ else
+ rethrow(theErr);
+ end
+ end
+ else %=== read entire file
+ fid = fopen(filename);
+ c = onCleanup(@()fclose(fid));
+ try
+ ftext = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n','bufsize',10000000);
+ ftext = ftext{:};
+ catch theErr
+ if strcmpi(theErr.identifier,'MATLAB:nomem')
+ error( 'Bioinfo:fastaread:FileTooBig',...
+ 'The file is too large to fit in memory. Try using the BLOCKREAD option to read the file in blocks.');
+ else
+ rethrow(theErr);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+else % must be a string with '\n', convert to cell
+ if blockRead
+ warning('Bioinfo:fastaread:IgnoredRange',...
+ 'BLOCKREAD is only allowed when parsing a file.')
+ end
+ ftext = strread(filename,'%s','delimiter','\n');
+% it is possible that there will be multiple sequences
+commentLines = strncmp(ftext,'>',1);
+if ~any(commentLines)
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:FastaNotValid',...
+ 'Input does not exist or is not a valid FASTA file.')
+numSeqs = sum(commentLines);
+seqStarts = [find(commentLines); size(ftext,1)+1];
+data(numSeqs,1).Header = '';
+ for theSeq = 1:numSeqs
+ % Check for > symbol ?
+ data(theSeq).Header = ftext{seqStarts(theSeq)}(2:end);
+ firstRow = seqStarts(theSeq)+1;
+ lastRow = seqStarts(theSeq+1)-1;
+ numChars = cellfun('length',ftext(firstRow:lastRow));
+ numSymbols = sum(numChars);
+ data(theSeq).Sequence = repmat(' ',1,numSymbols);
+ pos = 1;
+ for i=firstRow:lastRow,
+ str = strtrim(ftext{i});
+ len = length(str);
+ if len == 0
+ break
+ end
+ data(theSeq).Sequence(pos:pos+len-1) = str;
+ pos = pos+len;
+ end
+ data(theSeq).Sequence = strtrim(data(theSeq).Sequence);
+ if ignoreGaps
+ data(theSeq).Sequence = strrep(data(theSeq).Sequence,'-','');
+ data(theSeq).Sequence = strrep(data(theSeq).Sequence,'.','');
+ end
+ end
+ % trim headers
+ if trimh
+ for i = 1:numSeqs
+ data(i).Header = sscanf(data(i).Header,'%s',1);
+ end
+ end
+ % in case of two outputs
+ if nargout == 2
+ if numSeqs == 1
+ seq = data.Sequence;
+ data = data.Header;
+ else
+ seq = {data(:).Sequence};
+ data = {data(:).Header};
+ end
+ end
+catch allExceptions
+ error('Bioinfo:fastaread:IncorrectDataFormat',...
+ 'Incorrect data format in fasta file')