function xstar = quikr(inputfasta) %xstar=quikr('path/to/input/fasta/file') returns the estimated frequencies %of bacteria present when given an input FASTA file of amplicon (454) %reads. A k-mer based, L1-regularized, sparsity promoting algorithm is %utilized. This is the default implementation of Quikr, here lambda=10,000, k-mer %size is 6, and we use the trainset7_112011 database from RDP to estimate %the present species. In practice, reconstruction is accurate only down to %the genus level (not species or strain). %The program ./count-linux or ./count-osx needs to be placed in the same %directory as this script. In Linux, you might need to: chmod a+rx count. %Also the inputfasta needs to be a standard FASTA file. The input FASTA file must have reads all in the same %orientation, so as a preprocessing step, make sure everything is in the %forward (+) orientation. if nargin>1 error('too many input arguments'); [status, counts]=unix(['count-kmers -r 6 -1 -u ' inputfasta]); %count the 6-mers in the fasta file, in the forward direction, return the counts without labels if status ~= 0 error('count-kmers failed: ensure count-kmers is in your path.'); counts=textscan(counts,'%f'); %convert into floats counts=counts{:}; %make into a vector counts=counts/sum(counts); %form a probability vector from the counts lambda=10000; %this is the default lambda value (see the paper), and is used in the formation of trainset7_112011N6Aaux.mat yaux=[0;lambda*counts]; % form the sample vector load('trainset7_112011N6Aaux.mat') %load the 6-mer sensing matrix...I need to rename this so the variable is just Aaux. if not(exist('Aaux2')) %make sure Aaux2 loaded error('The default training database trainset7_112011N6Aaux.mat failed to load. Be sure it exists in the Quikr folder or current directory'); end %based on RDP's trainset 7 from 11/2011 isOctave = exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') ~= 0; %check to see if running Octave or Matlab if isOctave %if octave, need to manually read in sparse-matrix format n=length(Aaux2.jc)-1; ii=repelems(1:n,[1:n; diff(Aaux2.jc)]); Aaux=sparse(,ii,; else Aaux=Aaux2; %fix the names clear Aaux2; end %Matlab automatically reads it in correctly, just need to rename it warning off xstar=lsqnonneg(Aaux,yaux); %perform the nonnegative least squares warning on xstar=xstar/sum(xstar); %transform the output into a probability vector. Note this vector is on the same basis as Aaux, so the entries correspond to sequences in trainset7_112011.fa