% Quikr multifasta->otu_table_(for_qiime_use) wrapper code written by Gail Rosen -- 2/1/2013 %This is an example of how to run Quikr on the default RDP_7 training set %make sure Matlab/Octave is in your path %cd /path/to/Quikr %User-defined variables input_directory='../../separated_samples'; %path to input directory of samples output_directory='quikr_results'; %path to where want output files to go otu_table_name='rdp_otu_table.txt'; %name of output otu_table filename %Do not have to define trainingdatabase file here [headers,~]=fastaread('trainset7_112011.fa'); %read in the training database mkdir([output_directory]) thedirs=dir([input_directory]); thetime=zeros(numel(thedirs)-1,1); names={}; if(exist('OCTAVE_VERSION')) %check to see if running Octave or Matlab %This is Octave Version species=struct(); keys={}; tic() i=0; %for numdirs=3:5 for numdirs=3:numel(thedirs) i=i+1; disp([num2str(i) ' out of ' num2str(numel(thedirs)-2)]) fastafilename=[input_directory '/' thedirs(numdirs).name]; [loadfasta,~]=fastaread(fastafilename); numreads=numel(loadfasta); xstar=quikr(fastafilename); %this will give the predicted reconstruction frequencies nonzeroentries=find(xstar); %get the indicies of the sequences quikr predicts are in your sample proportionscell=num2cell(xstar(nonzeroentries)); %convert the concentrations into a cell array namescell=headers(nonzeroentries); %Get the names of the sequences namesandproportions={namescell{:}; proportionscell{:}}; %This cell array contains the (unsorted) names of the reconstructed sequences and their concentrations (in the first and second columns respectively) [a cols]=size(namesandproportions); amount=zeros(cols,1); for j=1:cols names{j}=namesandproportions{1,j}(1:strfind(namesandproportions{1,j},' ')-1); names{j}=strrep(names{j},'|','_'); amount(j)=namesandproportions{2,j}; if strcmp(keys,names{j}) temp=species.(names{j}); temp(i)=round(amount(j).*numreads); species.(names{j})=temp; else temp=zeros(numel(thedirs)-3+1,1); temp(i)=round(amount(j).*numreads); if temp(i)==0 % do not make a key -- has insignificant counts else species.(names{j})=temp; keys{end+1}=names{j}; end end end thefa=strfind(thedirs(numdirs).name,'.fa'); if ~isempty(thedirs(numdirs).name(1:thefa-1)) sampleid{i}=thedirs(numdirs).name(1:thefa-1); else sampleid{i}='empty_sampleid'; end thetime(i+1)=toc(); thetime(i+1) end disp('Total time to compute Quikr:') toc() disp('Quikr Average time per file:') mean(diff(thetime(1:i+1))) tic(); numits=i; fid=fopen([output_directory '/' otu_table_name],'w'); fprintf(fid,'# QIIME vGail OTU table\n'); fprintf(fid,'#OTU_ID\t'); for i=1:numits if i