#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os from multiprocessing import Pool from multiprocessing import cpu_count from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from itertools import combinations import numpy as np import pdb fg_mers = {} bg_mers = {} seq_ends = [] fg_genome_length = 0 bg_genome_length = 0 output_file = "" # import our variables cpus = int(os.environ.get("cpus", cpu_count())) debug = os.environ.get("debug", False) min_mer_range = int(os.environ.get("min_mer_range", 6)) max_mer_range = int(os.environ.get("max_mer_range", 12)) min_mer_count = int(os.environ.get("min_mer_count", 0)) max_select = int(os.environ.get("max_select", 15)) max_check = int(os.environ.get("max_check", 35)) max_mer_distance = int(os.environ.get("max_mer_distance", 5000)) max_consecutive_binding = int(os.environ.get("max_consecutive_binding", 4)) def get_max_consecutive_binding(mer1, mer2): ''' Return the maximum number of consecutively binding mers when comparing two different mers, using the reverse compliment. ''' binding = { 'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', '_': False } # Swap variables if the second is longer than the first if len(mer2) > len(mer1): mer1, mer2 = mer2, mer1 # save the len because it'll change when we do a ljust mer1_len = len(mer1) # reverse mer2, mer2 = mer2[::-1] # pad mer one to avoid errors mer1 = mer1.ljust(mer1_len + len(mer2), "_") max_bind = 0 for offset in range(mer1_len): consecutive = 0 for x in range(len(mer2)): if binding[mer1[offset+x]] == mer2[x]: consecutive += 1 if consecutive > max_bind: max_bind = consecutive else: consecutive = 0 return max_bind def populate_locations(selected_mers, mer_dic, input_fn): ''' Run the strstreamone command, and parse in the integers that are output by the command, and add it to mers[mer] strstreamone just prints the location of a string argv[1] in stdout. We also do the reverse compliment, using tac and tr piped together. ''' import tempfile cmds = [] # strip file of header and delete newlines cmds.append("grep -v '^>' " + input_fn + " | tr -d '\\n' | strstream ") # reverse file, strip and delete newlines cmds.append("tac " + input_fn + \ "| rev " \ "| grep -v '>$' " \ "| tr -d '\\n' " \ "| tr [ACGT] [TGCA] | strstream ") for cmd in cmds: _, merlist_fn = tempfile.mkstemp() # write our mers out to a fifi merlist_fh = open(merlist_fn, 'w') for mer in selected_mers: merlist_fh.write(mer + '\n') merlist_fh.flush() # add our merlist fn to our command cmd = cmd + " " + merlist_fn strstream = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) for line in strstream.stdout: (mer, pos) = line.strip().split(" ") mer_dic[selected_mers[int(mer)]].append(int(pos)) merlist_fh.close() def filter_mers(combination): ''' filter out mers that are either inside other mers, or don't fit the heterodimer requirement. ''' for combo in combinations(combination, 2): if heterodimer_dic[combo]: return True for mer in combination: for other_mer in combination: if not mer == other_mer: if mer in other_mer: return True return False def check_feasible(selected): total = 0 for mer in selected: total += len(fg_mers[mer]) if (fg_genome_length / (total + 1 )) > max_mer_distance: print "even if we select all top ", max_select, print "mers disregarding any critera, and they were perfectly evenly spaced we would ", print "still not meet the right max mer distance < ", max_mer_distance, "requirement." print total, " / ", fg_genome_length, " = ", total / fg_genome_length exit() def percentage(part, whole, precision=2): part = float(part) whole = float(whole) percent = round(part / whole * 100, precision) if(percent < 10): percent = " " + str(percent) return str(percent) + "%" def score_mers(selected): import time total_scored = 0 total_checked = 0 excluded = [0, 0, 0] check_feasible(selected) p = Pool(cpus) fh = open(output_file, 'wb') fh.write("Combination\tScore\tFG_mean_dist\tFG_stdev_dist\tBG_ratio\n") for select_n in range(1, max_select+1): print "scoring size ", select_n, t = time.time() scores_it = p.imap_unordered(score, combinations(selected, select_n), chunksize=8192) for score_res in scores_it: total_checked += 1 if type(score_res) is list: total_scored += 1 combination, score_val, fg_mean_dist, fg_stddev_dist, bg_ratio = score_res fh.write(str(combination) + "\t") fh.write(str(score_val) + "\t") fh.write(str(fg_mean_dist) + "\t") fh.write(str(fg_stddev_dist) + "\t") fh.write(str(bg_ratio) + "\n") else: excluded[score_res] += 1; print "size ", select_n, "took:", time.time() - t total_reject = total_checked - total_scored print "" print "Reasons mers were excluded:\n" print " max distance: " + percentage(excluded[0], total_reject) + " (" + str(excluded[0]) + ")" print " max_overlaps: " + percentage(excluded[1], total_reject) + " (" + str(excluded[1]) + ")" print " heterodimers: " + percentage(excluded[2], total_reject) + " (" + str(excluded[2]) + ")" print "" print " total combinations checked: ", total_checked print " total combinations scored: ", total_scored print " percent rejected: " + percentage(total_reject, total_checked) print "" if(total_scored == 0): print "NO RESULTS FOUND" fh.write("NO RESULTS FOUND\n") heterodimer_dic = {} def score(combination): # input is a string of mers like # ['ACCAA', 'ACCCGA', 'ACGTATA'] # check if the combination passes our filters for combo in combinations(combination, 2): if heterodimer_dic[combo]: return 2 for mer in combination: for other_mer in combination: if not mer == other_mer: if mer in other_mer: return 1 # fg points fg_pts = [] fg_dist = [] for mer in combination: fg_pts = fg_pts + fg_mers[mer] fg_pts = fg_pts + seq_ends fg_pts.sort() if fg_pts[0] is not 0: fg_pts = [0] + fg_pts # fg distances fg_dist = np.diff(fg_pts) # return without calculating scores if any objects are higher than our max distance if any(dist > max_mer_distance for dist in fg_dist): #return [combination, "max", max(fg_dist)] return 0 # bg counts bg_counts = 0 for mer in combination: bg_counts += bg_mers[mer] if bg_counts <= 1: bg_counts = 1 bg_ratio = (bg_genome_length / bg_counts) nb_primers = len(combination) fg_mean_dist = np.mean(fg_dist) fg_std_dist = np.std(fg_dist) # this is our equation mer_score = (nb_primers * fg_mean_dist * fg_std_dist) / bg_ratio return [combination, mer_score, fg_mean_dist, fg_std_dist, bg_ratio] def load_end_points(fn): ''' get all the points of the end of each sequence in a sample ''' end_points = [0] cmd = "sequence_end_points < " + fn if debug: print "loading sequence end points" print "executing: " + cmd points_fh = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) for line in points_fh.stdout: end_points.append(int(line)) return end_points def get_length(fn): ''' get length of a genome ( number of base pairs )''' cmd = 'grep "^>" ' + fn + " -v | tr -d '\\n' | wc -c" if debug: print "loading sequence end points" print "executing: " + cmd points_fh = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) length = points_fh.stdout.readline() length = int(length) return length def load_heterodimer_dic(selected_mers): ''' Generate a heterodimer dict which contains every possible combination of selected mers, so later we can check each combination without re-running the max_consecutive_binding function. The stored values are Booleans, True if the result is larger than acceptable. ''' for (mer1, mer2) in combinations(selected_mers, 2): res = get_max_consecutive_binding(mer1, mer2) heterodimer_dic[(mer1, mer2)] = res > max_consecutive_binding heterodimer_dic[(mer2, mer1)] = res > max_consecutive_binding # print res, heterodimer_dic[(mer1, mer2)] def main(): ''' Basic worflow: Load Top X Selective Primers Populate Locations of Primers Score Combinations For All Sizes ''' global fg_genome_length global bg_genome_length global output_file if len(sys.argv) == 5: selectivity_fn = sys.argv[1] fg_fasta_fn = sys.argv[2] bg_fasta_fn = sys.argv[3] output_file = sys.argv[4] else: print "please specify your inputs" print "ex: score_mers.py selectivity_file fg_fasta bg_fasta output_file" exit() fg_genome_length = get_length(fg_fasta_fn) bg_genome_length = get_length(bg_fasta_fn) selectivity_fh = open(selectivity_fn, "r") # load our mer list into python mer_selectivity = selectivity_fh.readlines() # get the last max_check (it's sorted) selected_mers = mer_selectivity[-max_check:] # load it into our fg and bg counts into their dictionaries for mer in selected_mers: split_mer = mer.split() fg_mers[split_mer[0]] = [] bg_mers[split_mer[0]] = int(split_mer[2]) selected_mers = [x.split()[0] for x in selected_mers] print "Populating sequence end points" global seq_ends seq_ends = load_end_points(fg_fasta_fn) print "Populating foreground locations" populate_locations(selected_mers, fg_mers, fg_fasta_fn) print "calculating heterodimer distances" load_heterodimer_dic(selected_mers) print "scoring mer combinations" score_mers(selected_mers) print "output_file:", output_file if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())