#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os from multiprocessing import Pool from subprocess import * import numpy as np import pdb fg_mers = {} bg_mers = {} if(len(sys.argv) == 5): selectivity_fn = sys.argv[1] fg_fasta_fn = sys.argv[2] bg_fasta_fn = sys.argv[3] output_file = sys.argv[4] else: print "please specify your inputs" print "ex: select_mers.py fg_counts_file fg_fasta_file bg_counts_file bg_fasta_file output_file" exit() # empty class to fill up mer information with class Mer: pass # import our variables min_mer_range = int(os.environ.get("min_mer_range", 6)); max_mer_range = int(os.environ.get("max_mer_range", 10)); min_mer_count = int(os.environ.get("min_mer_count", 0)); max_select = int(os.environ.get("max_select", 15)); max_mer_distance = int(os.environ.get("max_mer_distance", 5000)); nb_max_consecutive_binding = int(os.environ.get("max_consecutive_binding", 4)); binding = { 'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', '_': False } def max_consecutive_binding(mer1, mer2): if len(mer2) > len(mer1): mer1, mer2 = mer2, mer1 # save the len because it'll change when we do a ljust mer1_len = len(mer1) # reverse mer2, mer2 = mer2[::-1] # pad mer one to avoid errors mer1 = mer1.ljust(mer1_len + len(mer2), "_") max_bind = 0; for offset in range(mer1_len): consecutive = 0 for x in range(len(mer2)): if binding[mer1[offset+x]] == mer2[x]: consecutive += 1 if consecutive > max_bind: max_bind = consecutive else: consecutive = 0 return max_bind def populate_locations(input_fn, mers, mer): ''' Run the strstreamone command, and parse in the integers that are output by the command, and add it to mers[mer].pts ''' cmd = 'strstreamone ' + mer + " < " + input_fn strstream = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) for line in strstream.stdout: mers[mer].pts.append(int(line)) def score_mers(selected): from itertools import combinations import time scores = [] p = Pool() fh = open(output_file, 'w'); fh.write("scores:\n"); for select_n in range(1, max_select+1): print "scoring size ", select_n, t = time.time() scores_it = p.imap_unordered(score, combinations(selected, select_n)) for score_res in scores_it: fh.write(str(score_res) + "\n"); print "size ", select_n, "took:", t - time.time() return scores heterodimer_dic = {} def score(combination): # input is a string of mers like # ['ACCAA', 'ACCCGA', 'ACGTATA'] ret = [combination] # Check duplicates for mer in combination: for other_mer in combination: if not mer == other_mer: if mer in other_mer: ret.append("duplicates") return ret # check heterodimers! for (mer1, mer2) in combinations(combination, 2): combo = (mer1, mer2) if combo not in heterodimer_dic: heterodimer_dic[combo] = max_consecutive_binding(mer1, mer2) if heterodimer_dic[combo] > nb_max_consecutive_binding: ret.append("heterodimer") return ret # return None # fg points fg_pts = [] fg_dist = [] for mer in combination: fg_pts = fg_pts + fg_mers[mer].pts fg_pts.sort() # fg distances fg_dist = np.array([abs(fg_pts[i] - fg_pts[i-1]) for i in range(1, len(fg_pts))]) # return without calculating scores if any objects are higher than our max distance if any(dist > max_mer_distance for dist in fg_dist): ret.append("max") ret.append(max(fg_dist)) return ret min_mer_distance = max(len(i) for i in combination) # return without calculating scores if any mers are closer than the length of our longest mer in the combination if any(dist < min_mer_distance for dist in fg_dist): ret.append("min") ret.append(min(fg_dist)) return ret # bg points bg_pts = [] bg_dist = [] for mer in combination: bg_pts = bg_pts + bg_mers[mer].pts bg_pts.sort() # bg distances bg_dist = np.array([abs(bg_pts[i] - bg_pts[i-1]) for i in range(1, len(bg_pts))]) nb_primers = len(combination) fg_mean_dist = np.mean(fg_dist) fg_variance_dist = np.var(fg_dist) bg_mean_dist = np.mean(bg_dist) bg_variance_dist = np.var(bg_dist) # this is our equation score = (nb_primers * fg_mean_dist * fg_variance_dist) / ((bg_mean_dist * bg_variance_dist) + .000001) ret.append(score) ret.append(fg_mean_dist) ret.append(fg_variance_dist) ret.append(bg_mean_dist) ret.append(bg_variance_dist) return ret def pop_fg(mer): ''' helper for map function ''' populate_locations(fg_fasta_fn, fg_mers, mer) def pop_bg(mer): ''' helper for map function ''' populate_locations(bg_fasta_fn, bg_mers, mer) def main(): import time selected = [] selectivity_fh = open(selectivity_fn, "r") # get our genome length fg_genome_length = os.path.getsize(fg_fasta_fn) bg_genome_length = os.path.getsize(bg_fasta_fn) for row in selectivity_fh: (mer, fg_count, bg_count, selectivity) = row.split() fg_mers[mer] = Mer() fg_mers[mer].pts = [] fg_mers[mer].count = fg_count bg_mers[mer] = Mer() bg_mers[mer].pts = [] bg_mers[mer].count = bg_count selected.append([mer, selectivity]) # exhaustive = False # # if exhaustive: # selected = fg_mers.keys() # else: # selected = select_mers(fg_mers, bg_mers, max_select) selected = selected[-100:] selected_mers = [row[0] for row in selected] pdb.set_trace() # print "searching through combinations of" # print selected print "Populating foreground locations" map(pop_fg, selected_mers) map(pop_bg, selected_mers) scores = score_mers(selected_mers) print "fg_genome_length", fg_genome_length print "bg_genome_length", bg_genome_length print "output_file:", output_file if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())