#!/usr/bin/env python import sys """Calculate the thermodynamic melting temperatures of nucleotide sequences.""" import math def Tm_staluc(s, dnac=5000, na=10, mg=20, dNTPs=10): """Returns DNA/DNA tm using nearest neighbor thermodynamics. dnac is DNA concentration [nM] na is salt concentration [mM]. mg, the concentration of magnesium in mM dNTPs, the concentration of dNTPs in mM Sebastian Bassi """ #Credits: #Main author: Sebastian Bassi #Overcount function: Greg Singer #Based on the work of Nicolas Le Novere Bioinformatics. #17:1226-1227(2001) #This function returns better results than EMBOSS DAN because it uses #updated thermodynamics values and takes into account inicialization #parameters from the work of SantaLucia (1998). #Things to do: #+Detect complementary sequences. Change K according to result. #+Add support for heteroduplex (see Sugimoto et al. 1995). #+Correction for Mg2+. Now supports only monovalent ions. #+Put thermodinamics table in a external file for users to change at will #+Add support for danglings ends (see Le Novele. 2001) and mismatches. dh = 0 #DeltaH. Enthalpy ds = 0 #deltaS Entropy def tercorr(stri): deltah = 0 deltas = 0 #DNA/DNA #Allawi and SantaLucia (1997). Biochemistry 36 : 10581-10594 if stri.startswith('G') or stri.startswith('C'): deltah -= 0.1 deltas += 2.8 elif stri.startswith('A') or stri.startswith('T'): deltah -= 2.3 deltas -= 4.1 if stri.endswith('G') or stri.endswith('C'): deltah -= 0.1 deltas += 2.8 elif stri.endswith('A') or stri.endswith('T'): deltah -= 2.3 deltas -= 4.1 dhL = dh + deltah dsL = ds + deltas return dsL,dhL def overcount(st,p): """Returns how many p are on st, works even for overlapping""" ocu = 0 x = 0 while 1: try: i = st.index(p,x) except ValueError: break ocu += 1 x = i + 1 return ocu R = 1.987 # universal gas constant in Cal/degrees C*Mol sup = s.upper() vsTC,vh = tercorr(sup) vs = vsTC k = (dnac/4.0)*1e-9 #With complementary check on, the 4.0 should be changed to a variable. #DNA/DNA #Allawi and SantaLucia (1997). Biochemistry 36 : 10581-10594 vh = vh + (overcount(sup,"AA"))*7.9 + (overcount(sup,"TT"))*\ 7.9 + (overcount(sup,"AT"))*7.2 + (overcount(sup,"TA"))*7.2 \ + (overcount(sup,"CA"))*8.5 + (overcount(sup,"TG"))*8.5 + \ (overcount(sup,"GT"))*8.4 + (overcount(sup,"AC"))*8.4 vh = vh + (overcount(sup,"CT"))*7.8+(overcount(sup,"AG"))*\ 7.8 + (overcount(sup,"GA"))*8.2 + (overcount(sup,"TC"))*8.2 vh = vh + (overcount(sup,"CG"))*10.6+(overcount(sup,"GC"))*\ 9.8 + (overcount(sup,"GG"))*8 + (overcount(sup,"CC"))*8 vs = vs + (overcount(sup,"AA"))*22.2+(overcount(sup,"TT"))*\ 22.2 + (overcount(sup,"AT"))*20.4 + (overcount(sup,"TA"))*21.3 vs = vs + (overcount(sup,"CA"))*22.7+(overcount(sup,"TG"))*\ 22.7 + (overcount(sup,"GT"))*22.4 + (overcount(sup,"AC"))*22.4 vs = vs + (overcount(sup,"CT"))*21.0+(overcount(sup,"AG"))*\ 21.0 + (overcount(sup,"GA"))*22.2 + (overcount(sup,"TC"))*22.2 vs = vs + (overcount(sup,"CG"))*27.2+(overcount(sup,"GC"))*\ 24.4 + (overcount(sup,"GG"))*19.9 + (overcount(sup,"CC"))*19.9 ds = vs dh = vh fgc = lambda s: len(filter(lambda x: x =='G' or x =='C', s)) / float(len(s)) tm = ((1000* (-dh))/(-ds+(R * (math.log(k)))))-273.15 Mmg = mg * 1E-3 Mna = na * 1E-3 Mdntp = dNTPs * 1E-3 Fmg = ((3E4 * Mdntp - 3E4 * Mmg + 1) + ((3E4 * Mdntp - 3E4 * Mmg + 1)**2 + 4 * 3E4 * Mmg)**0.5 )/ (2 * 3E4) cationratio = - Fmg**0.5 / Mna if cationratio < 0.22: SaltCorrectedTm = 1 / ( (1 / tm) + ((4.29 * fgc(s) - 3.95) * math.log(Mna) + 0.940 * (math.log(Mna))**2) * 1E-5 ) else: a = 0; d = 0; g = 0; if cationratio < 6.0: a = 3.92 * (0.843 - 0.352 * (Mna)^0.5 * math.log(Mna) ) d = 1.42 * (1.279 - 4.03 * math.log(Mna) * 1E-3 - 8.03 * (math.log(Mna))^2 * 1E-3 ) g = 8.31 * (0.486 - 0.258 * math.log(Mna) + 5.25 * (math.log(Mna))^3 * 1E-3) elif cationratio > 6.0: a = 3.92 d = 1.42 g = 8.31 SaltcorrectedTm = 1 / ( (1 / tm) + (a - 0.91 * math.log(Fmg) + fgc(s) * (6.26 + d * math.log(Fmg)) + 1/(2 * (len(s) - 1)) * (-48.2 + 52.5 * math.log(Fmg) + g * (math.log(Fmg))**2)) * 1E-5 ) return tm # naiive def in_temp_range(kmer): A = kmer.count('A') C = kmer.count('C') G = kmer.count('G') T = kmer.count('T') melt_temp = 0.0; if len(kmer) < 13: melt_temp = ((A+T) * 2) + ((C+G) * 4) else: melt_temp = 64.9 + 41*(G+C-16.4)/(A+T+G+C) return min_melting_temp < melt_temp < max_melting_temp min_melting_temp = float(sys.argv[1]) max_melting_temp = float(sys.argv[2]) if __name__ == "__main__": for line in sys.stdin: if min_melting_temp < Tm_staluc(line.split("\t")[0]) < max_melting_temp: sys.stdout.write(line)