#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import sys, os binding = { 'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', '_': False } def max_consecutive_binding(mer1, mer2): if len(mer2) > len(mer1): mer1, mer2 = mer2, mer1 # save the len because it'll change when we do a ljust mer1_len = len(mer1) # reverse mer2, mer2 = mer2[::-1] # pad mer one to avoid errors mer1 = mer1.ljust(mer1_len + len(mer2), "_") max_bind = 0; for offset in range(mer1_len): consecutive = 0 for x in range(len(mer2)): if binding[mer1[offset+x]] == mer2[x]: consecutive += 1 if consecutive > max_bind: max_bind = consecutive else: consecutive = 0 return max_bind def test(): # mer 1 mer 2 # correct ans arr = [ ("ATATAT", "TATATA", 5), ("ACAGGGAT", "ATATATAT", 2), ("CATATATAT", "ATATATATATAT", 8), ("ATATATATATAT", "ATATATATAT", 10), ("ATATAT", "TATAT", 5), ("AACGATACCATG", "GGATCATACGTA", 3), ("CGT", "ACG", 3), ("ACG", "CGT", 3), ("CACC", "GGTGT", 4), ("GGTGT", "CACC", 4), ("CCCCCCCCATATAT", "TATA", 4), ] print 'pass\tmer1\tmer2\tres\tcorr' for mer_combination in arr: response = [] ans = max_consecutive_binding(mer_combination[0], mer_combination[1]) response.append(str(ans == mer_combination[2])) response.append(mer_combination[0]) response.append(mer_combination[1]) response.append(str(ans)) response.append(str(mer_combination[2])) print '\t'.join(response) def main(): if(len(sys.argv) < 2): print "cutoff is expected as an argument" exit() else: cutoff = int(sys.argv[1]) for line in sys.stdin: mer = line.split()[0] if max_consecutive_binding(mer, mer) < cutoff: sys.stdout.write(line) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())