SelectiveGenomeAmplification ============================ PI: ## Requirements To use this you'll need: - A unix environment - kmer_total_count, a kmer counter available here: - bash or compliant shell. ## Setup git clone cd SelectiveGenomeAmplification make sudo make install ## Usage Examples Standard use of (SGA) SelectiveGenomeAmplification is easy. it takes two arguments, the foreground and background SelectiveGenomeAmplification PfalciparumGenome.fasta HumanGenome.fasta; less PfalciparumGenome_HumanGenome/final_mers SGA allows for many tunable parameters, which are all explained in the chart below. For user customizable variables, they need to be passed in as environmental variables like so: max_mer_distance=5000 max_select=6 min_mer_range=6 max_mer_range=12 \ PfalciparumGenome.fasta half.fasta SGA also comes with a easy to use user prompt called SelectiveGenomeAmplificationUI. It allows for a less expereienced user to use SGA without issue. ### Running individual steps By default SelectiveGenomeAmplification runs all four steps, but you can specify the program to run other steps, like in these examples. current_run=run_1 SelectiveGenomeAmplification target.fasta bg.fasta score current_run=run_1 SelectiveGenomeAmplification target.fasta bg.fasta select score current_run=run_1 SelectiveGenomeAmplification target.fasta bg.fasta 3 4 valid steps are these: - count (1) - filter (2) - select (3) - score (4) This function does not try to be smart, so use it wisely. ### Manually scoring specific mer combinations from file Users can manually score combinations of mers they choose using the score\ script. -f foreground.fa -b background.fa -c combination file -o output The combination file should look like this: ACGATATAT TACATAGA TATATATAT ACGTACCAT ATATTA AAATTATCAGT ATACATA ATATACAT ATATACATA ACATA ATATACATA ATCATGATA CCAGATACATAT each row is combination to be scored. ### Manually score all combinations from file Users can manually score all combinations of mers they choose using the score\ script. -f foreground.fa -b background.fa -m mer file -o output The mer file should look like this: ATATAT TACATA TACATAGCA TATAGAATAC CGTAGATA TAGAAT each row is a seperate mer. do not put multiple mers on one line. ## Customizable variables range of mers, min and max variable | default | notes :---- | :---- | ---- | :---- current\_run | Not Enabled | specify the run you want to run steps on min\_mer\_range | 6 | minimum mer size to use max\_mer\_range | 12 | maximum mer size to use max\_mer\_distance | 5000 | maximum distance between mers in foreground output\_directory | $foreground\_$background/ | ex. if fg is Bacillus.fasta and bg is HumanGenome.fasta then folder would be $PWD/Bacillus.fasta\_HumanGenome\_output.fasta/ counts\_directory | $output\_directory/.tmp | directory for counts directory tmp\_directory | $output\_directory/.tmp | temporary files directory max\_melting\_temp | 30° | maximum melting temp of mers min\_melting\_temp | 0° | minimum melting temp of mers min\_foreground\_binding\_average | 50000 | elminate mers that appear less frequently than the average (length of foreground / # of occurances) max\_select | 15 | maximum number of mers to pick max\_check | 35 | maximum number of mers to select (check the top #) ignore\_mers | Not Enabled | mers to explicitly ignore, space seperated ex. ignore\_mers="ACAGTA ACCATAA ATATATAT" ignore\_all\_mers\_from\_files | Not Enabled | ignore any mers found in these files. space seperated. foreground | Not Enabled | path of foreground file background | Not Enabled | path of background file max\_consecutive\_binding | 4 | The maxium number of consecutive binding nucleotides in homodimer and heterodimers fg\_weight | 0 | How much extra weight to give higher frequency mers in fg. see "equations" (between 0 and 1) primer\_weight | 0 | How much extra weight to give to sets with a higher number of priemrs. (between 0 and 1) ## Equations Here's what we are using to determine our scoring and selectivity ### Selecivity Our selectivity is what we use to determine what top $max\_check mers are checked later on in our scoring function. Currently we use this formula: By default our fg\_weight is zero. This gives no extra weight to more frequently occuring mers, but can be set higher with the fg\_weight environmental variable if you wish to do so. hit = abundance of primer X (ex. 'ATGTA') in background (foreground hit / background hit) * (foreground hit ^ fg_weight) ### Score function The scoring function is this: fg_pts = all the points of each mer in the combination, and sequence ends4 fg_mean_dist = mean distance between each point in fg_pts fg_stddev = standard deviation of distance between each point in fg_pts nb_primers = number of primers in a combination primer_weight = extra weight for sets with higher primers bg_ratio = length of background / number of times primer was in background mer_score = (nb_primers**primer_weight) * (fg_mean_dist * fg_std_dist) / bg_ratio ## Output The file structure outputted by default is this: $foreground_$background/ └── run_1 # current_run    ├── filter # filter folder for filtering steps    │   ├── 1-$foreground-ignore-mers    │   ├── 2-$foreground-ignore-all-mers    │   ├── 3-$foreground-average-binding    │   ├── 4-$foreground-non-melting    │   └── 5-$foreground-consecutive-binding    ├── $foreground-filtered-counts # final filtered mers used for    ├── parameters # parameters used in the run    ├── selected-mers # final filtered mers used for    └── scores-output # file outputted by