SelectiveGenomeAmplification ============================ PI: ## Table of Contents * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Setup](#setup) * [Example Usage](#example-usage) * [SGA User Interface](#sga-user-interface) * [Setting Tunable Parameters](#setting-tunable-parameters) * [Running Individual Steps](#running-individual-steps) * [Manually Scoring Specific Mer Combinations From List ](#manually-scoring-specific-mer-combinations-from-list) * [Manually Score All Combinations From List](#manually-score-all-combinations-from-list) * [Table of Tunable Parameters](#tunable-parameters) * [Equations](#equations) * [Mer Selectivity](#mer-selectivity) * [Scoring Combinations](#score-combinations) * [Default Scoring Function](#default-scoring-function) * [Custom Scoring Function](#custom-scoring-function) * [Output](#output) * [Select Mers](#select_merspy-output) * [Score Mers](#score_merspy-output) ## Requirements To use this you'll need: - A Unix environment - [dna-utils]( - bash or compliant shell. - python 2.7.x ## Setup git clone cd SelectiveGenomeAmplification make sudo make install ## Example Usage Standard use of (SGA) SelectiveGenomeAmplification is easy. it takes two arguments, the foreground and background SelectiveGenomeAmplification PfalciparumGenome.fasta HumanGenome.fasta; less PfalciparumGenome_HumanGenome/final_mers ### SGA User Interface SGA also comes with a easy to use user prompt called SelectiveGenomeAmplificationUI. It allows for a less experienced user to use SGA without issue. to run this all you need to do is run SelectiveGenomeAmiplifcationUI and you'll see a series of prompts asking the user about tunables like below Where would you like to temporary files to be stored? (Default=$output_directory/.tmp): Where would you like to count files to be stored? (Default=$output_directory/.tmp): maximum mer size you would like to pick? (Default=12): 10 minimum mer size you would like to pick? (Default=6): 7 eliminate mers that appear less frequently on average than this number ? (Default=50000): 25000 ..... Input the path to your foreground file:target.fa Input the path to your background file:humangenome.fa Would you like to output your inserted variables to a string you can later paste? (Y/N/Default=y): n Run SelectiveGenomeAmplification? (Y/N/Default=y): y ### Setting Tunable Parameters SGA allows for many tunable parameters, which are all explained in the chart below. For user customizable variables, they need to be passed in as environmental variables like so: max_mer_distance=5000 max_select=6 min_mer_range=6 max_mer_range=12 \ PfalciparumGenome.fasta half.fasta ### Running individual steps By default SelectiveGenomeAmplification runs all four steps, but you can specify the program to run other steps, like in these examples. current_run=run_1 SelectiveGenomeAmplification target.fasta bg.fasta score current_run=run_1 SelectiveGenomeAmplification target.fasta bg.fasta select score current_run=run_1 SelectiveGenomeAmplification target.fasta bg.fasta 3 4 valid steps are these: - count (1) - filter (2) - select (3) - score (4) This function does not try to be smart, so use it wisely. ### Manually scoring specific mer combinations from list Users can manually score combinations of mers they choose using the score\ script. -f foreground.fa -b background.fa -c combination file -o output The combination file should look like this: ACGATATAT TACATAGA TATATATAT ACGTACCAT ATATTA AAATTATCAGT ATACATA ATATACAT ATATACATA ACATA ATATACATA ATCATGATA CCAGATACATAT each row is combination to be scored. ### Manually score all combinations from list Users can manually score all combinations of mers they choose using the score\ script. -f foreground.fa -b background.fa -m mer file -o output The mer file should look like this: ATATAT TACATA TACATAGCA TATAGAATAC CGTAGATA TAGAAT each row is a separate mer. do not put multiple mers on one line. ## Tunable Parameters variable | default | notes :---- | :---- | ---- | :---- current\_run | Not Enabled | specify the run you want to run steps on min\_mer\_range | 6 | minimum mer size to use max\_mer\_range | 12 | maximum mer size to use max\_mer\_distance | 5000 | maximum distance between mers in foreground output\_directory | $foreground\_$background/ | ex. if fg is Bacillus.fasta and bg is HumanGenome.fasta then folder would be $PWD/Bacillus.fasta\_HumanGenome\_output.fasta/ counts\_directory | $output\_directory/.tmp | directory for counts directory tmp\_directory | $output\_directory/.tmp | temporary files directory max\_melting\_temp | 30° | maximum melting temp of mers min\_melting\_temp | 0° | minimum melting temp of mers min\_foreground\_binding\_average | 50000 | eliminate mers that appear less frequently than the average (length of foreground / # of occurrances) max\_select | 15 | maximum number of mers to pick max\_check | 35 | maximum number of mers to select (check the top #) ignore\_mers | Not Enabled | mers to explicitly ignore, space separated ex. ignore\_mers="ACAGTA ACCATAA ATATATAT" ignore\_all\_mers\_from\_files | Not Enabled | ignore any mers found in these files. space separated. foreground | Not Enabled | path of foreground file background | Not Enabled | path of background file max\_consecutive\_binding | 4 | The maximum number of consecutive binding nucleotides in homodimer and heterodimers fg\_weight | 0 | How much extra weight to give higher frequency mers in fg. see "equations" (between 0 and 1) primer\_weight | 0 | How much extra weight to give to sets with a higher number of primers. (between 0 and 1) output\_top\_nb | 10000 | How many scores do you want to output in your sorted output file? score\_func | Not Enabled | see the [custom scoring](#custom-scoring-function) section ## Equations Here's what we are using to determine our scoring and selectivity ### Mer Selectivity Our selectivity is what we use to determine what top $max\_check mers are checked later on in our scoring function. Currently we use this formula: By default our fg\_weight is zero. This gives no extra weight to more frequently occurring mers, but can be set higher with the fg\_weight environmental variable if you wish to do so. hit = abundance of primer X (ex. 'ATGTA') in background (foreground hit / background hit) * (foreground hit ^ fg_weight) ### Scoring combinations All variables used in our scoring function are described here: fg_pts = an array of all the points of each mer in the combination, and sequence ends fg_mean_dist = mean distance between each point in fg_pts fg_stddev = standard deviation of distance between each point in fg_pts nb_primers = number of primers in a combination primer_weight = extra weight for sets with higher primers bg_ratio = length of background / number of times primer was in background #### Default scoring function The default scoring function is this: mer_score = (nb_primers**primer_weight) * (fg_mean_dist * fg_std_dist) / bg_ratio #### Custom scoring function We support custom scoring via python's exec methods. This means that you can destroy your system, blow up the universe, implode your hard drive, all within the confinesof this exec. That means don't do anything crazy. Stick to basic arithmetic. This is a security hole. you can specify it like any other parameter like so: # the default function score_func="(nb_primers**primer_weight) * (fg_mean_dist * fg_std_dist) / bg_ratio" SelectiveGenomeAmplification.... You need to use **valid** python code. ## Output The file structure outputted by default is this: $foreground_$background └── run_1 # current_run    ├── filter # filter folder for filtering steps    │   ├── 1-$foreground-ignore-mers    │   ├── 2-$foreground-ignore-all-mers    │   ├── 3-$foreground-average-binding    │   ├── 4-$foreground-non-melting    │   └── 5-$foreground-consecutive-binding    ├── $foreground-filtered-counts # final filtered mers used for    ├── parameters # parameters used in the run    ├── selected-mers # final filtered mers used for    ├── selected-mers # final filtered mers used for    ├── all-scores # file outputted by (all the scores generated)    └── top-scores # the sorted top $output_top_nb scores from all-scores ### select\ output Select mers outputs a tab delimited file, with 4 columns: mer, foreground count, background count, and the mer selectivity value. (higher is better) CTAACTTAGGTC 1572 155 10.14194 CTAACATAGGTC 1479 132 11.20455 GACCTATGTTAG 1479 132 11.20455 ### score\ output score mers outputs a tab delimited file with 6 columns: nb_primers Combination Score FG_mean_dist FG_stdev_dist BG_ratio